
Here is what many happy residents have said about our company and staff.

We also have helped countless renters achieve their dreams and you could be next, just check out our testimonials!


"No matter what my issues have been; financial, maintenance, etc., I have always received the greatest customer service."

- N. Evans

"It is my pleasure to speak on behalf of such a great company, and a staff with such integrity! 5 stars in my book!"

- F. Higgins


Dear Home to Own Family,

I would like to thank your whole staff for making our dream of owning a home come true. Never in a million years did I ever think I’d be in the house owned by my sister who passed in 2006. This house held so many wonderful memories for my family and I plan to make more come true.

While I was driving to work in May of 2009, I drove past my sister’s old house and noticed a sign in the yard that said “Rent to Own”. My heart instantly broke because I really wanted this house. I tried to purchase it two years prior. As I continued to drive, I began to cry so hard I had to pull over for tissues. I got myself together and I called my mother and told her the reason for my tears. She told me to turn around and see what I had to do to get this house. As I pulled in I saw, by the grace of God, there was an open house. I went in to see.

At first I was scared to enter because I had not been in this house since 2006. I was filled with butterflies. As I approached the door there was a big buff guy who looked like Mr. Clean. He welcomed me and began to take me on a tour. There were other people in the house at this time touring and filling out applications for MY house. After he finished helping them he took me to see the basement of the home. Once my foot hit the basement floor, I began to cry again. I explained to him why I had to have this house. He gave me, a complete stranger, a tight hug and told me to come upstairs to fill out the application. I filled it out and he took my deposit with all my information to the office. Three to four days later I was approved and moved into MY home on June 6th, 2009.

While working closely with Shelly and the rest of the staff, I was able to repair my credit. I got approved and became a homeowner within 3 monhts. My goal is to let people know that Home to Own has become my second family. There is nothing they wouldn’t do for me to help me become a homeowner. If you are serious about becoming a homeowner, Home to Own is the way to go!! They will help you. They really do care.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you Home to Own.

- K. Buckley


Thank You!

Home To Own has made it simple for me to purchase my new home!

J. Jackson


Sad to lose an amazing Home To Own resident.

We will miss you.